Bicontinental through its subsidiaries, affiliates and partnerships has been involved in several EPCI projects. In the past, most of our major construction and fabrication were done at shipyards in the US and shipped overseas. However, with the new local content laws in many countries in Africa and South America, we now do most of our work in host country. We have now divided our African divisions as follows:
For example we now do a lot of construction and fabrication at our affiliate company ‘s yard South African Shipyards. This is one of the largest shipyards in Africa. The yard is capable of handling vessel and Rig refurbishment and maintenance, construction and fabrication of subsea structures such as manifolds and trees. From South Africa, we support the growing East and Central African oil and gas market.
In West Africa, we have two yards in Nigeria including a well equipped machine shop. We have successfully executed some construction and fabrication jobs at our yards.
Below are selected sample projects that Bicontinental and partners have participated directly, in partnership or as part of a consortium
Cost Reduction on FPSO Kizombo Development – Angola
Layout Study for Espoir Field – Cote d’ Ivoire
Safety Study for Zueitira Gas Plant – Libya
Audit/Cost estimate for $2 billion Shell Nigeria Eastern Gas Gathering System – Nigeria
Audit of Investment proposal for Exploration offshore – Sierra Leone
Feasibility Study for subsea development – U.K.
Audit of Gulf of Mexico platforms for investment institutions – U.S.A.
FEED for Angola Block 18 FPSO project Engineering and cost reduction – Angola
Complete design and fabrication drawings for 250 MMSCFD 3500 Psi DWP glycol
Dehydration seawater cooling system – Brazil
Detailed design of Jack –up conversion for production – Espoir Field- Cote d’ Ivoire
Four-pile production structure 247’ w.d. and 3 piles well protector in 245 w.d.
Client: CMC NUMECO – Eq. Guinea
Modification of Bethlehem Jack –Up Rig coverted to MOPU ABS certification
Client: MARATHON OIL – Gabon
EPC of 12 fixed well head platforms, gathering network manifolds, river crossing,
Approximate 100 miles of pipelines and flow lines. Interface with MOPU for production onshore terminal with pig launcher/receiver.
Client : Chevron – Nigeria
85 W’ d’ braced caissons
Client: Former ENRON – Venezuela
Bicontinental has been involved in several other projects including subsea and marine services.